Boomer is a gorgeous dog in so many ways! He has that beautiful, glossy, black coat. He has a happy personality and is glad to meet new people. He gets along great with children, other dogs and even cats! He's absolutely perfect!
Unfortunately, Boomer suffers from what is known as Big Black Dog Syndrome. What is this, you ask? Nothing contagious, though it kills many dogs every year. Nothing threatening to those big black dogs that are in a safe and loving home.
So what is it? It's the unexplained reality that large dogs with black coats go unadopted across the country. No one knows why. Is it because they're harder to photograph? Boomer takes great pictures, as you can see (and if you'd like to see more pictures of Boomer, go to our Flickr site at, however they're often hard to photograph indoors.
Some rescuers have speculated that it's because often black dogs look mean. Obviously you can see from the photo that Boomer doesn't look mean. He doesn't have a mean bone in his body. He's friendly to everyone...he's a truly social dog.
Think I'm making it up? Unfortunately, I'm not. When you get a chance, do a search for Big Black Dog Syndrome. There are entire rescue groups dedicated to saving black dogs. Shelters across America are crying out for adopters to save their black dogs, before it's too late and they have to be euthanized.
Boomer is lucky, because his foster mom, Diana, saw him and knew she had to help him. But after many months of being in ARC, Boomer has still not been adopted, and has no prospects on the horizon. Won't you give him a chance?
For more information about Boomer and how you can adopt him, please visit his Petfinder at and give Boomer a chance!